
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - January 2013

(Abu Talha&UmmeTalha; Sindh)
I and my wife wished that we could go to Holy Makkah and Madina together but I am a teacher of a religious school. Everybody knows what salary he gets. Can he go to the holy places along with his wife? But Allah SWA is beyond the need of any salary or money. We, all the treasures and holy places beyond belong to him only, however, the desire was there. One day, I contacted the Ubqari office of respected Hakeem Sahib, and told them that somebody intends to send us for Umrah (holy journey) but now he does not answer our telephone calls, what should we do? Office people instructed us to regularly recite some holy verses and Allah willing, you will be helped out from nowhere (these verses are stated ahead).
We started reciting the holy verses and we were focusing on the person who had shown his intension to us. But upon contacting Ubqari office again and again, we would get the reply that Allah will help you from nowhere. I understood the meaning of this word “help from nowhere” when that guy did not contact us at all; rather some other pious person gave us the money for ticket. May Allah bless him and fulfill his wishes. He only gave me money for my ticket and I also did not ask him the money for my wife’s ticket so that he should not feel any burden. I kept the money in my house and told the wife that I am going and my job is done. My wife said that we are life partners and we are together, get my ticket booked also; I hope that my sustainer (Allah) will not leave me hopeless. I contacted Ubqari office again and told them about this problem. Their reply was the same that the verses which respected Hakeem Sahab has given to you, recite them more and more, Allah will definitely help you. We started reciting the verses regularly. My sustainer is very merciful, there is no limit to his treasures, I contacted a friend of mine who works in a travel agency and told him that I only have Rs. 60,000 (USD 620 approx) and I and my wife want to go for the holy journey to Saudi Arabia. He tried his best and arranged two tickets for us foRs. 37,000 each and told us that we are supposed to leave on 2nd/3rdRamazan (holy month of fasting) and date of our return is 19 Shawal (month after Ramazan). We thanked God. Now we did not have any money for stay and visa. We contacted Ubqari office again. We were told not to give up hope. I was scared that if suddenly we have to pay money for visa then what will happen? They said, you recite the same verses which respected Hakeem Sahab have told you with concentration whether sitting, walking and roaming here and there just recite these verses again and again and Allah willing help would come. We did as were told. The pious person who gave us Rs. 60,000 for tickets called us that I have kept Rs. 40,000 more for you guys, thank God help from nowhere have begun. Allah blessed us more and accommodation was also arranged even though our travel package only included transport and not residence. By taking the name of Allah, we reached holy Makkah still reciting those verses. Our friends told us that till the time, we leave for holy Madina (holy city of Prophet Muhammad SAW), we have arranged accommodation for you. The room of 400 riyals per day was given to us and some pious person told the hotel management not to charge us and he would pay instead. We went to holy Madina and Allah helped us on every step, we witnessed it ourselves. My wife was scared of me as she had insisted to come along that is why she would say again and again that don’t worry about me, Allah will make the arrangements. In holy Madina, the hotel which charges 400-500 riyals for a room, we got the same room for 60 riyals per day only, total amount of our stay costed 400 riyals. Some God fearing person gave me 400 riyals and said to accept it. We came back to Makkah and stay for 12 days but we were charged for 3 days only and our total bill was 115 riyals only. For the remaining days, somebody booked a hotel for us free of charge.

By the grace of Allah &with the blessings of these verses, we performed our Umrah (holy journey) and when we reached back, there were still many riyals in our pocket.

The holy verses are the last ayah of Surah Tauba of holy Quran:

  حَسْبِیَ اللہُ لَآ اِلٰہَ اِلَّاھُوَ عَلَیْہِ تَوَکَّلْتُ وَھُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِیْمِ  (توبہ۱۲۹

May Allah grant everybody the honour of holy journey and may Allah bless respected Hakeem sir who gave us a key of a treasure without any worldly cost or desire (Ameen)

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